Welcome to my little bloggy!

5:45:00 PM

Bloggy? Bloggie? Blog?

Who cares... I'm here world!

So let's be honest - I've started a few blogs in my day and I don't seem to stick to them/remain inspired/be consistent/be dependable AT ALL

Sooooo Sewrella is here to be one thing and one thing only -- whatever I want it to be dangit

With past blogs, youtube channels, spinoff efforts, and life choices I have tried to choose one direction and create a project based around that one thing (i.e. just a style blog, just a crochet tutorial youtube page, a bucket list blog, ect.) and let me tell you wonderful internet people why this didn't work - I can't focus worth a crap.

No, seriously.

I would get two or three posts into this whosawhatsit and quit because I had used up all of the creative juices I had for that month concerning makeup or crochet or whathaveyou.

So here I am. Honest and unfiltered. Uncut. Just me myself and I layin down tracks like nothin you ever seen.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Here's what I like and what I think I may at some point, in the distant future, or tomorrow, I don't know POST ABOUT

(prepare for this rocket of ADD and hullabaloo to launch in 5... 4.... 3... 2... )

Audrey Hepburn
yogurt parfaits
travel (sometimes beyond my backyard but not usually)
coffee and lots of it
yarn arts of all kinds
baking from scratch
baking from a box
just eating donuts and not giving AF who made them or how
my personal style and passersby commentary
I Love Lucy
planning and organizing
how to look like a granny but also not really look like a granny
fabric shopping
good reads
adventures of a 20 something who rarely has a clue about adulting
music & concerts (maybe hopefully!)
making your own clothes
Humphrey Bogart and his strange sex appeal

and lots of other stuff ya'll!

Stay tuned - comment below what you would like to see!

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