31 Days to Becoming a Better Blogger Challenge

3:12:00 PM

In my blog-related travels, I came across a podcast by Darren Rowse from ProBlogger called "31 Days to a Better Blog Challenge" and immediately thought - let's do that!

And here's my thought process, as a busy mom-to-be and up-and-coming blogger: What will I be doing over the next month? Blogging my life away. And you're telling me that I can spend a few minutes every day working on growing that effort in the right direction via advice from a professional? Oh and this help is FREE? Sign me up, baby!

It's worth mentioning that in no way am I affiliated with or being prompted by Darren to write about this journey, but as I opened a Word Document to catalog the daily activities of this challenge I thought to myself, "Self, I bet this would be interesting for other bloggers like me! Or those who want to one day try blogging. Or just anybody!"

So briefly, I'll go over what to expect:

  • Each day I'll listen to one podcast in the series
  • Then I'll add on to this post BELOW with my activity or experience
  • At the end of the month, I'll wrap up with stats on what this challenge did for my blog!
Who wants to become a better blogger with me? (You can find this podcast series on iTunes or over on Darren's ProBlogger website!)

Day 1: Elevator Pitch

Right out of the gate, this one took me a while! Here on Sewrella I provide free crochet patterns as well as DIY tutorials and share my love for making. Is my blog all about crochet? No. Is it all about DIY? No. Do I occasionally throw in a post about being a Mom, being a Blogger, or planning a party? Yes. So how does one encompass all of that in a few short words? After wracking my brain, here is what I came up with:
Sewrella - Where you'll become a better crafter with free crochet patterns, DIY tutorials, and loads of inspiration!

Catchy, eh? What is the elevator pitch for your creative business? Comment below!

Day 2: Create a List Post

Check out mine HERE! I wrote about 5 Crochet Tools You Didn't Know You Needed.

Day 3: Promote Your Blog

Here the challenge is to promote! I've been researching and working on improving my presence on Pinterest. Just this morning I got invited to a Pinterest Group Board run by AllFreeCrochet.com that is meant to share bloggers' free patterns - score! I spent a good amount of time today rearranging and fine-tuning my Pinterest page - follow me HERE!


Be sure to keep checking back here for each day's challenge!

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