The Bake Shop Blanket Series: -Finishing Up- Joining Your Squares

1:12:00 PM

Today is join day!

Not my favorite day (because joining seems to take forever)

But also my FAVORITE day (because it's when you really see all that hard work coming together!)

So join day is really a big ball of mixed emotions.

No matter how ya feel about it, it's here!

I used a simple & classic granny stitch join method on the Bake Shop Blanket and I just love love love how it came out!

This method is one from back in the day, I first found it in an old book (from the 60s I think?) on granny squares at the library but never had the perfect project to do it. Now that day has come!

I could write out a lengthy description on how to make this stitch and where to place what stitches but to be quite honest, a video is quicker for both you and me and I believe it is a MUCH clearer description.

However, if you have any questions at all please feel free to comment on this blog post, the youtube video, or get in touch via any of my social medias (see those icons on the top right corner of your screen? Click them!)

I hope you guys have fun joining all of your squares, but be sure to watch out for the final installment of this series, the border!  I'll be showing you exactly how I stitch my border and finish off this lovely blanket.

If you missed any of this series so far, and need to know where to get started, please see THIS POST to find out what squares you need to make - all the links to individual bake shop square tutorials are listed there!

Thanks so much for joining me on this Bake Shop adventure, I can't wait to see what all of you make!

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