The Bing Crosby Ornament | Christmas Traditions CAL

12:04:00 PM

🎶 I'm dreaming of a white Christmas just like the ones I used to know.
Where the treetops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow 🎶

I've never met someone who didn't love a good Christmas carol!

{Except those working in retail during the holidays who have heard White Christmas exactly 362 times in one day and I'm so sorry, we appreciate you.}

This little ornament pays homage to my favorite Christmasy vocalist, Mr. Bing Crosby himself! I never imagine this guy without a Santa hat on and a smile on his lips.

He's the epitome of Christmas music to me and mine, and I just had to have a little piece of him on my tree!

When Bing was in his prime, vinyl records were the name of the game and I had to include a little record to bring the whole ornament together, I just love how this one came out!

THE TRADITION: Put a record on! My family loves to sit around the family room, drinking mulled wine, and singing Christmas carols.

{The wine helps convince me to dust off the ole pipes!}

We don't inflict our off-key bellows to the neighbors or anyone in town, but it's just as fun as going out caroling - promise. So gather around for an evening of music and laughter, you won't be sorry you did!

- Lion Brand 24/7 Cotton in black, denim, white, and goldenrod
- Size D 3.25 Crochet Hook
- Tapestry needle

With Denim, make a magic ring, Ch 2, 10 Dc inside ring, sl st to join, Ch 2
Round 2: 2 Dc in each around, sl st to join, change color to black, Ch 2
Round 3: 2 Dc, Dc, repeat around, sl st to join, Ch 2
Round 4: 2 Dc, Dc in next 2, repeat around, sl st to join, finish off leaving a long tail for sewing

- Sew a French knot with your black tail in the center of your magic ring

With white, Ch 13, Sc in 2nd and across, Ch 1, turn
Rows 2-19: Sc in each across, Ch 1, turn
Row 20: Sc in each across, finish off and weave ends

Piano Keys:
*make 3
With black, Ch 8, Sc in 2nd and across, Ch 1, turn
Row 2: Sc across, Ch 1, turn
Row 3: Sc across, finish off leaving a long tail, sew onto white piano piece (over Rows 4-6, 9-11, and 14-16)

Music Note:
With goldenrod, make a magic ring, Ch 2, 10 Dc indside ring, sl st to join
Row 2: Ch 10, Sc in 2nd and across, sl st to next Dc, finish off
Row 3: Join yarn to other side of Ch in the next to last st from the top, Ch 10, Sc in 2nd st from hook, 2 Sc in each of next 2 sts, Sc in next 2 sts, Sc decrease, Sc in each of last 2 sts, sl st to top, finish off leaving a long tail

- Sew Record to Piano and Music Note on top as shown, weave all ends

Don't forget to PIN this project to your Pinterest boards!

I hope you guys enjoy this little musical addition to your tree!

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